Since I'm in the midst of finals [and need a reason to procrastinate], I thought that I'd make of list of things I'm looking forward to about this summer...
- Camping with my sister and her beautiful fambam
- Practicing my photography skills
- Celebrating Bryan's grandparent's 6oth anniversary in Monterey. Sixty years of marriage! How beautiful is that?!
- Sewing summer dresses out of sheets with my friend, Sara
- Spending a week houseboating on Lake Shasta with pretty amazing high school kids
- Renting a beach house: a lot of our friends are movin' on to bigger and better things this fall, so as a last hoorah we rented a beach house this July.
- Celebrating a full year of marriage with the best guy I know
- And come August, I'm training to become a trauma chaplain. There's a lot of places that could take me, but I'm hoping it will mean working with Courage House
As these events unravel, I'll be sure to update and give more details.
However, if I don't you can be sure that it's because I'm enjoying
summer far too much to be on the computer.
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