1. Had to have pumpkin in it [Bryan has overloaded our porch with freshly grown edible pumpkins; anyone need some?]
2. Could be your own recipe, a spin off, or taken from someone else.
3. You could win in best time, most mess, and of course best flavor.
4. All else goes.
Bryan made Apple, Pumpkin, Persimmon Spice Muffins [his own recipe] and I made Pumpkin Spice Donuts. Both turned out delicious. I won best time, Bryan won biggest mess, and I would say it was a tie in best flavor.
Here's the recipe I used for Pumpkin Spice Donuts. The only thing I changed was using fresh pumpkin. They were super yummy! I'd give you Bryan's recipe, but I don't think he even remembers. He's a baking wizard =)

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