Friday, August 12, 2011

Powell's Book Store

When we first walked into Powell's, I was so overwhelmed that I just needed to sit in the cafe with a store map. This place is a whole city block with multiple stories and sells used books as well as new all in the same place. I heard that Powell's actually buys 3,000 used books a day. Crazy! You really do need a map to get around that place.
Bryan and I spent a large amount of time in the Sustainable Ag section. Ogling over books such as the Beekeeper's Bible.
Before leaving for this road trip, I was camping on church property with some of the high school kids. We sat in the tent telling weird stories about our childhood. Sarah, my friend, who is also one of the coolest high schoolers you'll ever meet, was saying when she was younger, she would check out this book on Gnomes to become an expert on them. She memorized the whole book and made an anthem to them. Childhood stories are the best!
Anyways, somehow between meditation and religion, I found the Gnome book. What are the chances?! I texted Sarah the picture asking, "Is this the book?!" And she was like, "Yes! How did you find it?!" Haha, it seemed like a pretty crazy coincidence considering I was in the biggest bookstore I've ever seen. Powell's has everything, people--even the Gnome Book.