This is my best friend, Nicole. I often feel overwhelming joy with how great she is. She lives in San Diego, which happens to be really far from Davis. And as happy as I am that my best friend lives in such a cool place, I often miss her like crazy. Like this week. I miss her. A lot. I've probably written this post for about the 15th time now. Writing and rewriting. Not only because Nicole is a fantastic editor [I better make no mistakes in this post!], but because how do you fully get across how special a person is to you?
I met Nicole nine years ago. We've grown so much since then. I got married. She graduated and got a real job [I say 'real' because I pump lotion for a living and I'd like to think that its not 'really' my job.] We both have lives now.
But every so often, I get a letter, voicemail, or package from her. They are reminders that even in this very busy time of our lives that we are still close. Last week, she sent a package that had this handmade wooden puzzle in it--just because I like puzzles. In college, when life got hard, she would send me encouraging letters that brought hope into hardship. And when Bryan and I moved into our first place, we were greeted with a package of these beautiful prints that we've now hung right by our front door. It's as if my best friend was right there sharing in the excitement of the new life stage I was in.
I don't think she knows how great of a gift giver she is. When you open her gifts, it's exactly what you need--encouragement, shared excitement, hope, understanding, and more.
Nik, thank you for being such a tangible friend despite the distance. I hope that one day I can learn to give gifts that move people like you do.
[I'm also positive you showed those LSATs who's boss today. Smartest lady I know!]
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