Thursday, December 22, 2011

Team Falconry 2011

Now that I have graduated [Huzzah!] I am now on a job search. My dear friend Sarah and I thought that my resume looked a little dull so we decided to become Falconists. What employer couldn't resist a hard working woman who can hunt with birds?!

Ok so not really, we just got a Groupon to take this intro course on Falconry, which ended up being pretty rad. Did you know that a falcon can read a book over a mile away? I didn't. Did you know that a 1.5 pound falcon can take down a 9 pound jack rabbit? Something else I didn't know!

The intro course gives you a bunch of fun nuggets of info, but they also let you take tons of pictures (which makes me really stoked!) and they let you hold one of their birds (which makes Sarah really stoked!) 

These are the little starter birds. I guess if you want to be a falconist, then you gotta start out with these cuties. 

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Next up are the big guys. 

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Then it's our turn to become faconists.

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Team Falconry 2011


In Davis, there used to be this beautiful abandoned barn. They tore it down last month and I think I've been in grieving mode. Trying to cheer me up, Bryan found another abandoned barn in Davis. So Erin and I went on an adventure to find this abandoned barn Bryan speaks of. Turns out there is a barn. Turns out, it's not abandoned. [Sorry for trespassing, family with small children!] 

However, we did find a shack with pretty awesome graffiti on it. 
I love Erin. She likes to adventure as much as I do. 

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011


The post is particularly precious to me. Lizzie is one of my high school girls that I am once again so blessed to hang out with.

This year she has been on an exceptionally crazy journey as she is preparing to be a mother. Though this has not been easy by any means for her, I've been able to witness so much beauty with her this year--hearing the heart beat for the first time, seeing her body make room for another life, finding out that it's a sweet baby boy, the excitement of being a mom, and the hardships that come along with it. She is one of the bravest people I know. This is why I feel so honored to take her picture.

Love you, Lizzie.

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