Hey, Bryan here!
So it's really exciting out at the farm right now because spring has sprung! There are finally leaves and greenery everywhere! We've been having to water things because the rains have stopped; however, the first fruit of the season is here.....CHERRIES!!! We have 4 varieties out at the farm and the "Early Sweets" are living up to their name, and as soon as those are done we'll move to the next then the next.... at least that's the plan. This year we've been having trouble with the spotted wing drosophila. These little fruit flies are a brand new pest in california that someone snuck past the border checkpoints. They're making a mess of cherry production because they don't have any real predators here and are hard to control, luckily this first variety didn't get hit too hard yet though, so we have been munching away! Here are some pictures Sam took of them...